The prayers really helped over the past day...s... hours?... I've lost track since I left Dulles on Friday, June 11. I am currently in Singapore on Sunday, June 13 at 1:40am. Just an hour ago, I was thinking about how I was going to tell this story, and whether I wanted to share or not as my parents would not be very happy to hear it:

There a several "Free Internet" locations in the Changi airport. I stopped at the first one I saw, put my black pouch containing my passport, boarding passes, and cash on the counter and tried to email my parents. The internet didn't work well so I decided to just leave and check-in early. After walking to the other end of the airport, I found the gate was not open yet. I left and sat down at the complemetary foot massage station where a machine gently pushed the travel pains out. I got bored and decided to get my seat changed. On the way I stopped at Starbucks to buy an esspresso, and realized my black pouch was not with me. Panic struck.

I ran to the internet station where I last saw it- not there.  I ran back to the foot massage station- not there either.  By this time I broke out in a cold sweat and slightly wanted to throw up.  Philippians 4:6-7 kept playing over in my head so I thanked God for getting me to Singapore safely with no problems and then kept praying that the passport would show up.  After running around to different locations, a lady that I had spoken to several times finally said, "Sir your passport- is it in a black pouch?"  YES! Some random person had found it and turned it in, leaving everything in there untouched.  God totally answers prayers.  He also reminded me that I cannot do this on my own and must be walking (or running) in prayer at all times.